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For safe and efficient production

For every application the right product

District heating


Geothermal Energy

Circular thermal

CO2 storage


For more information about our products and services for the energy industry, please contact:

team member

Klaas Doting

Senior Application Specialist

team member

Cor van der Hoek

Manager Fluid Control & Steam Solutions.

team member

Demian Nouwens

Product Specialist Energy Management, Steam Solutions

team member

Mark Garvelink

Product Specialist Sealing

team member

John van den Berg

Product Specialist Hoses & Expansion Joints

Frequently Asked Questions

Which valves are best suited for district heat?
The KLINGER Ball Valves Type KHI are ideal for applications in modern district heating networks. They meet the most stringent current standards according to NEN-EN488:2015 and are ready for future standards regarding tensile strength, compressive strength and bending stress. Their unique sealing system is one of their key features. In the closed position, the welded test and drain valve allows the valve to be easily depressurized. In addition, there is an automatic pressure release when pressure rises, allowing the ball valve to be tested inline for tightness, offering a significant advantage. The KLINGER ball valve type Monoball KHO is also prepared for the future and specially designed for the toughest conditions your heat network must perform under. This valve is pre-insulated and EN488 certified.

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