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KLINGER Innovation

KLINGER IntegrityXpert software for safe and leak-free installation

KLINGER IntegrityXpert software for safe and leak-free installation

Shorter inspection times at Sitech Services through real-time data recording and reporting

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Maintaining inspection records

All-in-one app

The KLINGER IntegrityXpert flange management software system offers an intuitive user interface.

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Climbing ladders is just one part of inspections.

Analyze facilities

Adapted to market needs

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is flange management software?
The technology is used to design entire piping and process systems to precise specifications using data from real-time reporting, allowing customers to assess all aspects of their installation. IntegrityXpert from KLINGER offers custom modules with integrated features such as HTML drawings for detailed engineering mark-ups, QA & QC dashboards for on-site inspections and real-time reporting at any location via tablets and Web applications.
How does IntegrityXpert from KLINGER work?
The software calculates bolt stresses, flange force and gasket surface pressure in all operating conditions such as during assembly, in operation and during jacking.
What features does the IntegrityXpert software from KLINGER offer ?
The single interface allows customers to easily develop, perform and monitor a variety of installation, commissioning and maintenance activities such as: " flange management " hydro testing " blowing " chemical cleaning " machining operations " small diameter pipes "valve management " nitrogen/helium leak tests "Pneumatic tests " flushing/retrojet cleaning "camera inspections " purging " PSV management " hose management
What licensing options exist for the IntegrityXpert software from KLINGER?
Customers can license the software themselves or have the software managed by KLINGER . Specialists can be made available on-site to assist with any aspect during the system life cycle. Not only for design and installation, but also as a permanent factory employee at the customer's site to provide ongoing supervision and repairs.

For more information about our IntegrityXpert, please contact:

team member

Bart Moors

Manager Service Center Limburg