KLINGER Rotterdam
Nikkelstraat 23067 GR Rotterdam
Klinger Elsloo
Business Park Stein 208A6181 MB Elsloo
KLINGER Velsen-Noord
Rooswijkweg 2001951 MD Velsen-Noord |
Using your technical advice to ensure that production processes of leading companies continue to run smoothly and safely. You have that impact at KLINGER in Rotterdam! Whatever kind of appendage it is; as a (junior) technical commercial employee you know a lot about it and come up with smart solutions for various technical challenges. Here no day is the same and your contribution is always crucial!
Is your vacancy not listed, but you are still interested in joining us? Contact Choy-Ling to discuss your ambitions. Or send an open application via the application button.
Choy-Ling Karel
HR Manager
T088 528 20 03
E werken@klinger.nl